Latis Experience
20 years of experience at a glance
Official website designs for various companies, approximately 1000 website designs
A Unique Content Management System Design with WYSIWYG editor support integrated with e-commerce credit card payment system and integrating it to approximately 600 commercial web sites. Probably one of the first online web content management system design in the world for commercial web sites with covering today’s valid standards.
CMS Development for Industrial Companies with TTGV support.
FOX KIDS / 20th Century Fox : Turkey website design and software development for social network for children.
JETIX Europe / Disney Incorporation: Jetix Europe Website Design for Turkey, full software and graphic development, web server setup and co-location, several versions of design updates in five years as well as content update support in coordination with East European sites and HQ located in London/UK. [2006-2009]
ATO Ankara Chamber of Commerce (Ankara TicaretOdası): Website design, custom content management system development,education and 2 years of support
Turkish Daily News / Doğan Daily News Inc.: Newspaper Website Design, news production automation integrated withworldwide news agencies and national news agencies integrated news andphoto database, large scaledatabase search, automated content filtering and categorizing systems integrated with correspondents and editorial board web based edit &management system, processing of 4000 news and 3000 photos/day, COM portnews reading from AP, AFP, Reuters news machines, managing and coding highhit news website, creating analgorithm to import 10 years of html archive to sql database, managing andsetting up servers, designing firewalls.
Hurriyet Daily News (former Turkish Daily News) /Hürriyet Inc.: Newspaper's News Website Design, Integration of Web Departmentwith Editorial Dept. creating a simplified web-based automated work flowthat doesn’t involve webmasters, only newspaper editors. Managing andprogramming a 100.000 hits/day website + web for i-Devices.
20dk Newspaper /Hürriyet Inc.: News &Magazine Website software development and design.
DHA Doğan News Agency / Doğan Holding: Large Video File Distribution toSubscribers over Internet - Software design. A Network software design tocollect large video files (GBytes) from DHA editors to main serverswith infinite meta data content, continuous automated distribution tomedia groups all over the country over internet, client server setups, webbased interfaces to filter video content and related metadata, automatedvideo file conversions from largedatas to flash video. MD5 checksum confirmation to download video fileswith metadata textual contents.
DHA DoğanNews Agency / Doğan Holding: PublicNews Website Design with video support and software development, Web TV development.Managing 50.000 hits/day website and servers. [2009]-[2010]
DHA Doğan News Agency / Doğan Holding: Sports News Website Design with video support and software development, Web TVdevelopment. Managing 20.000 hits/day website and servers. [2009]-[2010]
DHA Doğan News Agency / Doğan Holding: Web based Editorial News & MediaManagement and Automation, news and photo distribution system with XML,HTML, NewswML export, web-based archive search system for large scale databases.
PROJE-CT News & Media Websitesoftware development for 250.000 hits/day website
ABGS: Prime Ministry Secretariat General for EUAffairs (Başbakanlık Avrupa Birliği Genel Sekreterliği) Website design,multiple editors supported custom CMS design and development, educationand web server setup and management. Document managing system for over 50Kpages.
Ministry for EU Affairs: (Avrupa Birliği Bakanlığı) New site design and software development.
Gazi University Faculty of Medicine : Development of web basedacademic journal manuscript submission and evaluation system with variousauthentication methods and user managements, Online Word to PDF conversionsystem design [2007-2010]
Constitutional Court of the Republic of Turkey (Anayasa Mahkemesi) : Intranet web-based judgment information systemsoftware project management.
Sagliksen Labour Union: Server Co-location services, web site design for 81 cities and main portal design.[2010]
PETLAS Inc. : Server Co-location services, new global web site design agreement for 22 countries for 2012.
Company at a glance
Easy to update or detailed web pages with human friendly navigations and visuals? We supply both.
We don't use ready made content management systems, we write our own coded solutions.. A fresh visual graphic and html for easy readable content, javascript and css coding for compatibility, human friendly conventional navigations to drill down the content. It is easy to create pages and the hierarchy and also the relations with other pages. Template techniques and optimized secure database queries supply a speed for highly visited websites. We can easily define ourselves as masters of PHP / MySql coding with our 18 years of PHP development experience and 20 years of web design experience we are engineering the internet.
What will it help customers do that they can't do today?
If you are about to create lots of pages you will not loose control on your site. If you have a simple website, you will love to update it with your visuals and files cause it is easy and gives you the satisfaction of publishing your content. That's why our customers use our web management systems for about 10 years without any need to new technologies. Security Issue? We update our codes periodically. Our system improves your site's visibility in Google search results
Move your work-flow to web
We design web based custom management systems that fits your work-flow. With defined user roles, have your staff share specific information with you and let your company gain time (expensive) and money.
News Web Sites made easy with our solutions
million hits, million pages
Our news website management solutions are choosen by great media companies. We know journalism needs, we integrate agencies, news sources. Our specific codes and server structure design lets your news web site get hundred thousands of unique hits with massive data. We are experts on news website interface design
“ Research and experience; our main difference in engineering and creating new web technologies. ”
Murat BIYIKLI (Founder)
News Experience Reloaded
Check out what we do in newspaper digitalism. Both design and software. [2009]
E - Government
A complete solution for many editors and large textual contents. 40K of pages are administrated throug our solution.
Websites for companies
We design your multi-language official unique web site for your company and support for years. You will work with probably the most experienced webmasters and web design company. We have the solution for what you need.
Please contact us about your digital ideas, let's discuss what we can do for you.
We will sure have a solution at a unique budget !

Latis Internet ve Bilişim Hizmetleri Ltd. Şti.